Monday, June 18, 2007

Willamette River Streambank Restoration

Trout Unlimited McKenzie Upper-Willamette Chapter 678 and Metro Planning have recently partnered to adopt a degraded stretch of streambank along the Willamette River. Historically, the river bank habitat consisted on cottonwood , ash, aspen, fir and cedar as well as numerous smaller species; currently, the section is a blackberry thicket.

The adopted stretch is somwhat steep making mechanical vegetation managment impossible so members of OR Trout, TU Chapter 678 and employees of Metro Planning have been removing the blackberries by hand. Following blackberry removal, native species will be planted and watered in the hope that they establish themselves and provide enhanced habitat value and streamside shade.

All TU members are invited to participate in this enhancement project. Bring yourselves,leather gloves, and some longsleeves. Until further notice, work parties are every Tuesday at 5:30 pm. The strembank section that we are working on is in the Whilamut Natural area of Alton Baker Park.

To reach the site, park at Alton Baker Park or the Community Garden and follow the bikepath upstream. The site is right off the bikepath between the Autzen Footbridge and the Knickerbocker Footbridge (the Knickerbocker footbridge is the foot/ bike crossing just downstream of the I-5 Bridge). The enhancement area is right off the bike path.

This project is right in your backyard and demonstrates TU's commitment to riparian enhancement. We'd love to see you there!

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